Crazy Gardeners

The Ultimate Strawberry Guide


As a group we are very satisfied with the work we have done. During the period of time in which we have been working in this project, we learned a variety of things that can help us success during life, such as persistence, effort, determination, being supportive, working as a group, among others.

We have learned that taking care of a living thing, is a very hard and demanding work, because you’re in charge of another form of life, and you need to be conscious that these beings have many requirements and constant care. We also know that the things that we have written are accurate, because we have acquired skills that allow us to determine whether the information we dig up is valid or rubbish. This way we are able to spread this knowledge obtained from research and personal experience.

We are proud of what we have achieved, but we also believe there is always room for improvement. We are open to suggestions, but over all, we hope you have enjoyed this almost as much as we have.

One thought on “Conclusion

  1. Me encantó su página. Lo que más aprecio son sus conclusiones. Demuestran haber tenido un gran crecimiento como alumnos, como personas y como jardineros. Los que hemos sido padres sabemos lo difícil que es cuidar de este pequeño ser vivo; ya entiendo por lo que pasaron al cuidar sus pequeñas fresas. Gran trabajo.

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